We are happy to announce the release of version
Included in release:
Optimized performance dashboard design including registered number of devices last 3 months
Contract field is available in the column chooser for reports
New report showing data collectors not reporting as planned (On vendor level)
New report showing contracts which are close to termination date (on vendor level)
User tracking (Last login and total amount of logins)
Better support for new detailed counters on existing devices.

Performance dashboard update
We made it easier to track progress in total and details. The performance dashboard helps you to quickly understand your own performance measured in accounts, vendors, volume and devices besides quickly identifying if accounts are missing the most critical configuration. For example, they don't have any supplies ordering created. As a new thing, we added 3 more columns representing the last 3 months of devices this give you a quick insight of not only number of devices, but the actual growth. The detailed partner overview can also be exported to Excel. TIP: The performance dashboard is a great starting point when accessing a specific account. Before even looking at the account in details you would know how many devices they have, how much they print and if trends are good or bad.
Contract name available as a field for reports
In the your report data columns you now have the contract field available. This makes it even easier to filter your data when using the export functionality for further data processing.
If data collectors don't report as scheduled
Get a list every day (or other scheduling) with data collectors not reporting as planned. This will make you react much quicker if data collectors have been removed or somehow blocked in reporting.
Overview of all contracts on vendor level
Get a list every day (or other scheduling) with contracts close to termination. Enter your desired trigger of interest. For example, 6 months to termination and you will receive a list on a scheduled basis with all contracts with less than 6 months left.
User tracking
When did they login the last time? And how many times? The user tracking will help you understand how your clients are using 3manager.