3manager for office printer resellers
Find out how 3manager can help your printer management and managed print services by getting more productive while reducing time-consumption and costs.
Rethink your printer management with 3manager MPS software
Printer management should be simple but still effective, and time should be spent on optimizing the business not clicking through systems for hours to get things done. We believe in simplicity, automation, and a great user experience.
Support for all printer brands
Manage printers and multifunctional office devices from all major printer manufacturer brands.
Quick respond + fix time
Get email notifications when printers are not functioning using a combination of the auto-registered alerts and the manual reporting option using QR codes.
This makes life so much easier for your customer.
Intelligent supplies ordering + analytics
Get hourly, daily, weekly, or at any other scheduled time lists of supplies running low or empty within an estimated range of days based on the customer's printing behavior and trends.
Reduce logistics costs by letting the supplies ordering automatically include supplies that are close to reaching the trigger levels.
Register quickly when toners are replaced before running empty and even get an alert when it happens. In a print manager software an intelligent supplies management is critical for keeping costs down.
Flexible and powerful reporting
Schedule or export any data in 3manager for invoicing purposes. The printer data filters give you the ability to support your need in a highly flexible way to support your managed printer services.
Printer audits in a new way
3manager was originally designed by consultants to help companies optimize their printing operations. Benefit from detailed audit features including audit-progress overviews and reports.
Manage contracts + costs
Manage contracts, document savings and even estimate potential savings by replacing with new printer technology.
Productive status meetings
3manager makes sure that data is right at your fingertips reducing preparation time for status meetings drastically.
With default reporting, device failure reports, supplies analytics, you are always ready to present an updated status. To give the best visual experience of your managed printer services the status meetings needs to be super professional and documenting all recommendations with facts.
Dashboards for quick insights
The more printers you are managing the more difficult it is to create an overview. The combination of powerful filtering and intuitive dashboards makes it easy to find exactly what you search for. Today printer management solutions need to be data-driven to boost productivity.

Overview of printer management functionality
Export counters as scheduled reports
Get the data you need in a simple way. Easily configure your reports and let the automation do the rest. Perfect for billing and inventory reports.
Supplies ordering reports including logistic cost reductions and days left estimations
Make sure all printers are always functional by ensuring supplies are sent before they run out. Eliminate toner waste and reduce costs.
Supplies analytics dashboard + reports
Track supplies replacements with ease with the supplies analytical dashboard. Powerful filtering makes it possible to get the needed insight on any devices or customers of interest. Great for status meetings and forecasting.
Know your true printer costs using contract management. This will make budget planning much easier and accurate as you are always up to date. Include contract management in your printer management.
Device utilisation / recommendations
Understand how printers are being utilized and get recommendations on potential replacement models.
Benefit from the business intelligence in 3manager and get recommendations and estimated savings by upgrading your printers to new models.
Cost + volume monitoring
Get notified when costs are volumes increases giving you the ability to proactively help your customers keeping costs optimal.
End-customer access (available as add-on)
Collaborate with your customers online by granting access to the customer printer data. Option for configurable views is supported.
Green reporting
How does your printing behavior affect the environment? Track your green fingerprint with ease and understand where you can optimize.
Printer fault alerts (Auto and QR codes)
Sometimes printers malfunction and a fast response is needed. The service provider will be alerted automatically when there are any error saving you time and frustrations.
Help users staying compliant with scheduled to-do tasks related to GDPR tasks. When tasks are completed they are stored and its easy for the manager to document that GDPR tasks are done.
Financial reports
Get 1 pagers documenting costs and progress + detailed report on device level documenting costs and print volumes.
Cost reduction simulations
Quickly discover if there is any opportunity to reduce costs for your customer by replacing or consolidating printers. Save time and boost your sales productivity with this feature.
Open API and Webhooks
Use 3manager MPS data inside your own tool by utilizing the 3manager API or webhook option. Integrate 3manager MPS data into your own systems.