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Getting the most out of your supplies business

Shipping toners on time, reducing toner waste and keeping your clients happy is our goal.

Get your supplies ordering lists every day

Use one overall supplies ordering list and/or configure on customer level depending on your need.


Choose between different formats, information needed and scheduling 

Toner on time = happy customers

Running out of toner is not making customers happy. Sometimes you can have a toner with 60% left but still, run empty within few days. 


We solved that by adding "Days left" to the supplies ordering lists.


Manage high-performance printers much better and avoid sending toners to printers staying "low" for many days yet.


No need to send a toner 80 days before its needed.

Automatic toner ordering

Don't let toner waste eat your profit

Who is paying for the leftovers in a toner cartridge replaced with more than 20% left? And which of your clients are having too many of these waste toners?

Documenting toner waste


Whether if you are entitled to send an additional invoice or you are paying for toner waste yourself, you would need to document the toner waste. That's really easy in 3manager.


Our goal is to minimise your toner waste and we have designed the supplies management tool to help you learn about your overall business as well help you quickly identify which clients needs focus so that your toner waste is as minimal as possible.

Waste toner analytics

What’s the business potential on all the devices which are not managed by you?

The supplies tracking will help you identify potential business opportunities by filtering out devices of interest and highlighting the toner waste and much more.


Conclusions you can use in your sales arguments towards your customers as well in status meetings.

New business

How many toners were replaced last month?

Supplies replacement tracking helps you register when toners and other supplies items were replaced including remaining levels. 


Track by specific item or by supply type and view all replacements on any printer page in 3manager.

Replacement tracking

How many toners are needed next month?

Using actual behaviour and supply replacements tracking 3manager learns about how often a printer needs toner replacements.


This is ideal for logistics purposes, stock management as well understanding upcoming business opportunities.


Overview directly to your inbox

No need to go online every day, even though we would love you did, however, create your reports once, and enjoy the conclusions directly from your inbox.


Track or schedule reports showing all supplies replacements on all devices of interest you have. Understand potential in a new and easy way or track your own progress with ease.


Stay on track with supplies dashboard


Keep track of your supplies business from a global to a specific level including all everything you just read above. Its simple, powerful and helps you optimise your supplies business.

Supplies dashboard
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